Key Information
What to expect during and after your procedure
All Cosmetic Tattoo procedures are a TWO STEP PROCESS:
1) INITIAL PROCEDURE : includes mapping & custom design. Procedure starts with careful & precise measurement and design that is reviewed for shape, symmetry and balance. We work together on color selection and you approve both design and color before proceeding. Note that initial color and design can change as the healing process progresses, depending upon how your skin reacts with pigment.
2) TOUCH-UP: to perfect both the color and design; this second appointment is scheduled 5-8 weeks after initial appointment (a minimum of 30 days after the first session) to perfect both color and shape. Everyone’s skin is different and receives and retains pigment differently- sometimes a client’s skin undertones may have unexpected effects on the pigment color and not all areas retain ink the same. We may need to add color to adjust and achieve the desired color/effect. This kind of correction is completely normal with any Permanent Makeup procedure and an essential part of the process. Schedule your touch-up to perfect both color & shape 5-8 weeks after the initial procedure for best results.
Your touch-up is $50 if done < 3 months from initial procedure.
APPOINTMENT TIME (includes mapping/design)--the initial appointment takes longer than touch up
Timing required for initial appointment : Brows 3-4 hours; Eyeliner 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours; Lips 3-4 hours. Areola 3-4 hours. Touch-up is about half the time, depending upon retention of initial procedure and how much work is required to perfect.
FADING and COLOR CHANGE: All permanent makeup will fade over time. The four things that can impact color rention are: sun, chlorine, salt water and anti-aging products. Sun is probably top of the list and you should always wear sunscreen to protect and prevent fading. Sometimes pigment can fade in the skin to a different shade--hormonal changes can cause this to occur. How pigment retains is very dependent upon your skin, which procedure and technique is selected and your activities (a sun lover will require more touch-ups). As a result, maintenance touch-ups are recommended to maintain good color.
TOUCH UP / COLOR BOOST (for brows/liner)
Pricing is more advantageous for clients who had original work done by Lasting Impression. Any service, touch up or color boost done by another technician often requires more time and work: It is essential to have in-person consult for an accurate assessment of what can be done and/or treatment needed --fee's will vary and will be discussed during consultation.
​See SERVICES page for list of current pricing.

To reduce the potential for bleeding, 7-10 days prior to procedure do not take OTC pain medications (Aspirin, Niacin, Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen) OR Omega 3 (Fish Oil), Curcumin/Tumeric, Vit K, Vit E or Hair Supplements. NOTE: Do NOT discontinue any medications that are prescribed by a physician or which are necessary for your health.
Avoid alcohol 48 hours before and caffeine 24 hours prior to the procedure to prevent bleeding and minimize oozing or swelling after the procedure.
Hair removal should not be done 2 weeks prior to your procedure (i.e. tweezing, waxing). Permanent hair removal (laser) should not be done 2 weeks before or after the procedure. Eyebrow tinting should not be done2 weeks before procedure or 2 weeks after it.
Botox and skin plumping injections may alter the shape of permanent cosmetics. Wait 3 weeks AFTER fillers to schedule a procedure and wait 2 weeks AFTER any Permanent Makeup to schedule Botox or fillers.
Skin products containing glycolic acids, AHA's or Retinols must be discontinued in the procedure area ideally for 30 days, minimum of 2 weeks.
Accutane users must be off of Accutane for at least one year.
Procedures cannot be performed over fresh sunburns, including those caused by tanning beds. Skin must be healed prior to procedure. Avoid tanning or tanning beds 2 weeks prior or right after.
If there are any blemishes, pimples, active cold sores, irritation of the skin or any kind, the procedure will NOT be able to be performed until healed to prevent infection.
Avoid heavy work out (excessive sweating) the day of the procedure and at least 3 days after--these activities cause pores to expand.
Getting a procedure done while during your menstrual cycle can make you hyper-sensitive at the procedure site.
You can not wear contact lenses DURING eyeliner procedure --OK to resume wearing after the first day. Please wear glasses or bring a designated driver to your appointment.
You must remove lash extensions BEFORE eyeliner procedure: must wait until after touch up healing is complete to do extensions
For clients with any history of cold sores/fever-blister/herpes (even if it was when you were a child), please contact your physician and request a prescription for Zovirax, Valtrex or other anti-viral medication. This is to prevent cold sore from occuring after lip procedure. Recommended you take meds 2 days before, the day of procedure and 2 days after the procedure as directed. Repeat on all visits (i.e. 2nd appointment; touch ups). You may also benefit from taking L-Lysine tablets ---a natural amino acid in the body that can reduce symptoms and even help you avoid cold sores. Take 500 mg tablet 3x/day both 2-3 days before and after the procedure.
After-care varies slightly by procedure, but in general, you should avoid water, shampoo, soap lotion and cosmetics in the procedure area during the first 7 days. You will be given full instructions post-procedure about how to care for your Cosmetic or Medical Tattoo.
Color is typically more vibrant and darker right after; your results WILL always appear softer and lighter in appearance after the first week. To maximize healing and minimize pigment retention, these are general guidelines of what to AVOID for the first 1-2 weeks :
NO Picking, rubbing, peeling or scratching of the micro-pigmented area
AVOID touching the pigmented areas except when washing and applying any post care products as instructed
Swimming outdoors or indoor pool - until fully peeled/no scabbing remains (7-14 days)
Increased or excessive sweating (first 3 days) ---avoid heavy exercise & sports that produce heavy sweating
Any creams or locations containing RETINOLS or VIT C -- can impact pigment retention
Hot Sauna, hot bath, Jacuzzi --until fully peeled/no scabbing remains (usually 7-14 days)
Sun tanning or salon tanning --for at least 2 weeks; UV/UVA rays or chemicals as they will cause a shift in color and premature fading
Any laser or chemical treatments, peels - for a minimum of 2 weeks.